Airside retail signage serves as an important role in navigating time concious customers towards our partner’s brands and products. We understand that a traveller has a set amount of time for shopping and attracting them to our offers quickly and easily enhances their overall airport experience, and can be seen as a key factor in enabling them to start their journey in a positive way.

Seasonal themes and topical activities can help set the in-store mood, reflecting the customer’s state of mind. No matter if they are travelling in search of the sun, or to an important business meeting – the tone we set on a retial level will impact on the traveller.

However, regular changes in themes and promotional activity can have an environmental impact and there’s a critical intersection between sales and sustainability.

When we make smart choices on signage materials and their application, we can positively impact both the environment and the consumers’ mindset towards sustainability.

The design and materials we use in signage play a pivotal role. Eco-friendly materials such as recycled plastics, bamboo, and other sustainable resources can be used to create signage. These materials not only reduce the environmental footprint but also send a clear message to consumers about the retailer’s commitment to sustainability.

Customizable signage is also a super-smart way of maximising customer facing impact while reducing material wastage – and importantly it can help in reducing manpower and disruption to the store. For example, a seasonal theme can be ‘pimped’ with promotional messaging, or event based messaging with the use of magnetic materials. In the case of our 2024 summer theme, we’ve created a toolbox of markting signage that our store manager can instal quickly and efficiently that specifically depicts the sports event that is taking place during that particular period of travel – while still mainting the core theme and longer life background materials. This smart solution drastically reduces waste while inceasing customer engagement.

The messaging on the signage is equally crucial. Retailers can use this platform to educate and engage consumers about environmental issues. Messages promoting the use of reusable bags, encouraging the purchase of sustainable products, or highlighting the environmental benefits of locally sourced goods can inspire travelers to make more eco-friendly choices. Additionally, storytelling elements can be incorporated. Tony’s Chocolonely use this method in their airside communications, highlighting the journey of a product from sustainable sourcing to the retial shelf, which creates a deeper connection with the consumer.

Interactive elements can also enhance the environmental theme of airport retail signage. For example, touchscreens that allow travelers to learn more about the environmental impact of their purchases. These interactive signs can also provide information on how travelers can contribute to environmental efforts, such as participating in airport recycling programs or supporting carbon offset initiatives.

In summary, airport retail signage is a powerful tool for promoting sustainability in a high-traffic environment. By embracing smart creative solutions and commiting to reducing material waste, retailers can not only reduce their environmental footprint but also influence travelers to adopt more sustainable behaviors. This approach benefits the environment and also aligns with the growing consumer demand for sustainability, ultimately enhancing the airport and the brand’s reputation. As airports continue to evolve as hubs of commerce and travel, the integration of environmentally themed signage represents a forward-thinking strategy that addresses both ecological and economic goals.

Author Brand Junkies

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