Without an idea there is nothing, which is something that we can all agree on. But an idea that’s not able to be used across every single brand touch point or communication tool is simply not good enough. When you have an idea, ask yourself, can it work on a window sticker and as an expensive animation – if the answer is no, then walk away and start again.

A great idea has the power to adapt to all materials. And that’s basically what a 360˚ idea is. It’s not, as some think, a single image applied to absolutely everything; a key image is just an overused visual and people soon get bored as it quickly becomes a blind spot.

In today’s World, where marketers are facing a complex and fragmented landscape, with many different markets to consider and multiple channels and products to sell, consumers are becoming desensitized by constant exposure to ads. Integrated marketing is the process of unifying all aspects of marketing communications (advertising, PR, social media, direct mail and more) and using a single idea to deliver a seamless customer-centric experience combined with a consistent brand look, tone and voice.

A great 360˚ idea is like a chameleon, it can adapt and change to suit its surroundings, while still being a chameleon. The power of an integrated idea is that the core thought remains, but the customer is always treated (along with respect) to a new way of looking at something and from a different angle. And no matter what part of the communication channel they come into contact with, the big idea is at the core of everything. So, if the consumer comes in to contact with one message, or 8, they get the point the brand has invested in – and importantly they never get bored, remain engaged and in neuro terms the brand, product or service remains top of mind.

As an example, think about the multi award winning work for Snickers (BBDO, London 2010) who developed the idea “you’re not you when you’re hungry” in 2010. The power of that idea is in its human truth, so not matter where it runs in the world – from the Netherlands to China – or in which language, it’s still relevant to the consumer. It still runs on TV, social channels, retail and print to this day, and while the creative agencies responsible for the account in many markets have adapted the execution across different relevant media to keep it fresh, the central idea remains true.

The power of 360˚ integrated ideas is unmatched. Research shows that when you use more than four channels to push a single idea it has a huge positive impact on effectiveness, outperforming a single channel strategy by more than 300%. The more the customer journey is focused on the core idea and executed in media specific ways, the better the results in terms of sales and brand loyalty.

The final benefit is financial. A brand that invests in 360˚ integrated ideas saves money. That’s because the message is focused rather than creating new campaigns at great cost and risk.

Some useful tips to creating a 360˚ integrated idea.

Put yourself in the shoes of your customer, when it comes to business, EQ always beats IQ. What’s in it for the customer and how can you solve their problems, making life easier.

Develop a compelling idea that’s based on a human truth, or simply funny, or a genuinely surprising product benefit.

Marry the idea to your brand values.

Create content that plays to the strengths of each channel and leverage the advantages of the platforms.

Understand the customer journey, from mobile device to retail store – how can we be there consistently, at the right time and with the right motivating message.

In short, a 360˚ integrated idea is the very best way to reach a customer and deliver your message. Given that every Euro spent needs to deliver a return, and knowing that almost every communication tool can be tracked and measured a successful strategy has to include the need for a 360˚ integrated idea in the marketing plan.

Curious how we can help you creating successful 360 degrees ideas? Contact us to find out what we can do for you!

Author Brand Junkies

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